Assignment #8

Since I’m interested in the relationship between economic growth and income inequality, I ran a regression on GDP growth and the Gini coefficient, which is a popular measurement for national inequality. I want to see if economic growth will decrease if income inequality increases, which would be considered a negative relationship. While the Gini coefficient is my variable of interest, in my model I also included the unemployment rate, if a recession or war was taking place, political party of the president in office, interest rate, and consumer confidence index. After running the regression, it could be seen that there was a negative relationship between GDP growth and the Gini coefficient since the slope coefficient for the Gini was -21.29. The t statistic for the Gini was -2.36, which suggests that the negative relationship between GDP growth and the Gini is statistically significant. The F statistic tells us that all of the variables as a whole are significant, but individually some of the variables may not be significant because of their low t statistic. The R-squared value tells us that 58% of the variation can be explained in the regression. This suggests that there may be other variables not included in the model that are affecting GDP growth. Therefore, I may have to try different variables in my model, especially since some of the variables are not individually significant.  While I think this regression may give a good indication of the negative relationship between economic growth and income inequality, I do not believe income inequality is causing a decrease in economic growth, especially when there are so many other variables that affect GDP growth.

2 thoughts on “Assignment #8

  1. I think you are right to come to the conclusion that income inequality alone is not decreasing economic growth. However, huge income gaps no doubt have an impact on economic growth. You should look into indicators like spending coefficients and how they impact economic growth. Or the opposite, as it might be more readily available, saving coefficients.

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